On Writing and Not Washing the Car

Hello internet.  It has been a long while.  I keep telling myself that I need to get back on here and write things, and then I psych myself out thinking that my first post back on my blog needs to be perfect and then I chicken out and don’t do it at all.  It’s an endless cycle, and a really stupid one at that.

Thus said, I wanted to share something that’s really been inspiring me the past few months.  I’ve been trying to write more and more, and therefore read more and more, and generally be a more productive individual.  I have goals I want to accomplish, gosh darn it, and I’m going to do it.

This is from Stephen King’s book On Writing.  I had, admittedly, never read anything by him up to this point, but I picked it up one day while working at the bookstore and didn’t put it down.  It doesn’t so much give you little nitty gritty details about the inner workings of language, plot, or what-have-you; but it does highlight the fact that writing isn’t an easy thing in a way that managed to convince me to get over all of the useless telling myself that I’m going to do something and actually do it.  My favorite quote:

“…it’s writing, damn it, not washing the car or putting on eyeliner.  If you can take it seriously, we can do business.  If you can’t or won’t, it’s time for you to close the book and do something else.

Wash the car maybe.” (107)

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Graduation! Finally!!

Hello all! Its been such a long time! Since January, in fact. Too long. But I have good news (well, I think it’s good news). I’m done. What do I mean done? Well, take a look at this fabulous hat. Graduation SelfiePretty fabulous, no?  I didn’t take it off for the rest of the day, although that was, in large part, due to the wonderful things it did to my hair.

The Crew

My family braved the 12 hour trip to come see me (and they brought cookies!), not to mention braving the long sit at the Georgia Dome, plus the awfulness that was trying to get out of the Georgia Dome.  (P.S. Georgia State, the long underground maze thing was confusing and unnecessary and made us all feel a bit like cattle).  The ceremony was decent despite the huge wait and the awfulness once it ended.  Our speaker wasn’t fantastic but she didn’t drone on for an hour and a half about nothing like when my dad graduated back in high school, so that was lovely.  Stopping points are nice.

The downside to graduating everyone in the school at the exact same time (as somewhat expected, and no, they don’t call your name anymore) was that there were a million of us on that field and it was hard to find your family in the crowd/they couldn’t find you.  Greg sent me a text right after they first herded us in that reads, “throwing your hands up like you just don’t care wont help us find you.” What insight.  Thanks Greg.

Also, Georgia State, this would have been cool if…


…we had been forewarned, like the audience had, that there was going to be an explosion.  Most of it had fallen once we all managed to figure out that no one had actually tried to blow up the building, its was just confetti, and no, we didn’t need to hide under our chairs.  Not that anyone did hide under their chair.  But I asked everyone around me and I wasn’t the only one who freaked out and thought that the building absolutely MUST be on fire.

So…after the confetti, and trudging through the field trying not to trip on confetti, and the lovely wandering in underground circles bit, we all emerged into the cloudy, grey day and tried very very hard to find our families.  And then after we finally found our families (trust me, this was a challenge) we went and sat in our cars.  And we sat and we sat and we sat.  What better way to end a lovely graduation than with a traffic jam?  Eventually we did make it home for dinner(home as in the Macaroni Grill near home):

Graduation Dinner

And then, we traveled back in time to the Thursday previous and witnessed the ceremony where GSU actually called my name.

I was, of course, the awkward one on the stage.  The first thing I did was drop the paper that I was supposed to hand over to Dr. Dobranski.  I was the only one who dropped anything.  Out of 3 departments worth of students.  I’m probably the only one who noticed that, but dropping things in front of large groups of people can make you seriously self conscious. 🙂

I want to thank all my family, friends, and professors and anyone else who helped me out on my supremely long journey.  It feels good to finally be done.  Thank you Grandma Alice, Grandma Bessie, Aunt Polly, Aunt Vera, and (technically) Greg for driving all that way to see me.  Thanks Mom and Dad, for, you know, being wonderful, supportive, loving…just the best parents ever.  True story.  And congrats to all the other graduates out there, all the high schoolers (Rachel!), and my preschoolers and kindergartners(whom I hear did a fabulous job preforming at their graduation ceremoies!)!!!!!!!!!!! Moments like that deserve a few extra exclamations!


Chef Boyardee Pizza

Growing up we never ate Spaghettios or Chef Boyardee Ravioli.  Other kids must have, but for us that was fake Italian and the simple presence of it in our house would have been blasphemous to our Italian heritage.  Imagine my surprise a few weeks ago when my dad started reminiscing about the Chef Boyardee Pizza kits he remembers from childhood.  And then imagine my further surprise when, after joking about it with Greg for the entire winter break, he actually finds said pizza kits at Publix and buys one.  (And for less than $3, you can go get your own!)

Hat not included.

And of course Greg headed back to college before he got the chance to suffer (did I say suffer? I meant enjoy…) through the Chef Boyardee Pizza Maker experience.  Continue reading

Merry Christmas-The Magical Night of Lights

Michael and I pre-celebrated on Monday and went to Lake Lanier’s Magical Night’s of Lights with Jonathan and Taryn.  I don’t know that I’d call the experience magical, but I was certainly glad to get to hang out with the new Mr. and Mrs. Blanton for the first time since their wedding.

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Taryn’s Bachelorette Party (or Joyfully Painting and Singing in Ugly Dresses)

I am so terribly excited that I almost can’t contain it.  Two of my very favorite people in the whole wide world are getting married this weekend.  And everyone knows that first comes love, second comes Jonathan convincing us to help him string a boat load of Christmas lights together, third comes a bachelorette party, and then comes marriage.  Oh!  There’s a nail appointment in there somewhere too!

We painted such pretty trees.

We painted such pretty trees.

For the Bachelorette Party we decided to try out Canvas By U out in East Cobb. Continue reading

Diwali (plus 1 1/2 deer)

Vasu, myself, Brintha, Mom, Brintha's roommate, and Cathy

Vashei, myself, Brintha, Mom, Katy(Brintha’s roomate…if I got your name wrong, I’m sorry!), and Cathy

Hello, all!  Just here to say I’m still alive.  Things have been hectic(read: exhausting) recently between preschool, moving the store (I’m shaking my fist at you, kid from Alterations, that got to carry a toaster…a toaster!  I got to push a giant cart full of books and you get to carry a toaster!?!?!), schoolwork, getting sick from preschool (so many germs), thesis, schoolwork, thesis, schoolwork…thesis.  I did get my thesis draft back from my director, and he likes it!  I’m working on revising, so hopefully I’ll have it spiffed up a bit by Monday to send back to him and to everyone else (This is total optimism and probably not an accurate representation of how things are actually going to happen.  I’m trying though.)

On to brighter, happier, less exhausting things, I got to go to the Renganathan’s Diwali party last weekend where I ate way too much delicious Indian food and then dashed because I had to go help move a bookstore. Continue reading

Happy Banned Book Week!

That’s right, banned book week.  I only found out about this about a month ago, but I wish I had learned about it years ago.

Banned Book Week is an annual event that was first started back in 1982.  This year it runs from September 22-28.  According to the official Banned Books Week website, since the start of Banned Book Week in ’82 more than 11,300 books have been banned or challenged within schools, libraries, and bookstores, and in 2012 alone around 464 were reported.  These numbers don’t include incidents that are unreported, and I can’t even imagine how many of those happen each year.

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Dragoncon: Robot Battles

I realize that I’m beginning at the end of the con–which does seem like an odd direction to go–but this is seriously one of my favorite Dragoncon events.  It makes the ever depressing con Monday a little better; partially because of its sheer awesomeness, partially because when you’re not walking the hallways you cant be sad about how empty they’re getting and all the tired looking people walking around with their suitcases.

Robot Battles are a little different than the Robot Wars/Battlebots/etc. you may have seen on TV.  These battles(no they’re not really robots, but lets not get technical now, thanks) are a little more restricted by the fact that they take place at a convention and have to use the hotel’s resources without doing injury to the audience or setting the hotel on fire.  So, instead of trying to destroy one another(they’d need some sort of protective glass or a cage or something to be able to safely pull that off), they fight sumo wrestler style on a raised platform trying to knock each other off.  For the very last battle they bring all of the robots of the weight class up to the platform and have a wonderful little free for all (see the youtube video below, and maybe fast forward to 2:08 because that’s where all the action is).

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