Hamfest 2013

And before somebody asks the inevitable, “you went to what?” Ham radios, not meat. Thank you very much.           oldmilitaryradio

Ham radio, aka amateur radio, according to eHam.net is “a richly rewarding high-tech hobby that has many different appeals to different people” including: ” the ability to talk to local friends over the radio waves using a hand-held transceiver (HT), communicating digitally with packet radio to exchange personal messages or vital information in an emergency, talking to other hams anywhere in the world, or engaging in contests with other Radio Amateurs.”  I’ve lost count as to how many years my dad and I have been going to this particular Hamfest.  The Atlanta Radio Club and Kennehoochee Amateur Radio Club host it over at Jim Miller Park in Marietta.  If you’ve never been to Jim Miller Park before, it’s huge; it has space for rodeos and car shows and the North Georgia State Fair.  They’ve even recently installed something that looks suspiciously like a chairlift.  People pull up their cars/trucks/vans and set up tables under the blazing Georgia sun and try to sell stuff. Continue reading